Monthly Feature Story - August 2024 (1) - Beer Gardens

2024-08-01 Monthly Feature Story - August 2024 (1) - Beer Gardens

Cultural Tips - Beer gardens

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a cold beer after work or on your day off.

Although summer in Japan is hot and humid, there are places where beer tastes better during this season: beer gardens.

Beer gardens are outdoor spaces where people can enjoy beer and other alcoholic beverages along with food, and they are set up only during the summer season.

The appeal of beer gardens, which are often located on building rooftops, terraces, plazas, and in parks, is that you can enjoy eating and drinking in an open atmosphere. It's perfectly fine to chat lively with friends, family, or colleagues.

Many beer gardens offer a wide variety of beers, and some even have an all-you-can-drink option. You can also enjoy a variety of snacks that pair perfectly with beer, such as sausages, fried chicken, yakitori (chicken skewers), yakisoba (fried noodles), and more.

Beer gardens have become one of Japan’s summer traditions. As one of the quintessential experiences of a Japanese summer, why not take advantage of beer gardens to help you get through the season?