Monthly Feature Story-July 2019-Grilled Eels

2019-06-13 Monthly Feature Story-July 2019-Grilled Eels

Japanese Food - Grilled Eels

In Japanese summer, eat grilled eels and get energized!

Grilled eels, called 'unagi-no-kabayaki' in Japanesee, have been a popular dish, especially in summer since the late 18th century.

'Kabayaki' refers to a unique cooking style: The eel is butterflied, gutted, boned and pierced on long, thin wooden-skewers, dipped-into-mixture-soy-sauce, sake, sugar and other seasonings and then grilled over a slow charcoal fire.

'Kabayaki' is usually served on top of freshly steamed white rice in a bowl or in tired lacquer boxes.

Eating 'kabayaki' is effective for recovering from summer fatigue and enhances your appetite because eels contain high levels of energy-providing nutrients such vitamins A, B1, B2 and E.

Japan's summer is very hot and humid. Please survive the season with grilled eels!